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In an exclusive interview with Cesar Millán he talked about his journey from Mexico to the US, his battle with mental health, The famous dog Psychology Center, and his goals of changing the world.

Cesar Millán moved to the US from Mexico at 13 with $100 and a dream. Although obtaining this dream caused homelessness, trying to survive in the US knowing no English, and working in and out jobs for cash. Cesar was able to save enough cash to move from San Diego to Inglewood and this is where it all started.

Cesar moved to Inglewood where he started dog walking for free and then later started charging. When the local media picked up his work. Tv production companies started to work with him after creating the Pacific Point Canine Academy. After he shot the pilot episode for Dog Whisperer Which premiered in 2004 it quickly became a worldwide celebrity dog behaviorist following filming for Leader of the Pack, Cesar 911, and Cesar Millán’s Dog.

After his film success Cesar wanted to reach a goal of providing free range for the dogs to run after getting so many tickets for dogs not being on leashes. And that is when the center and temple was born. The Dog Psychology Center in Santa Clarita is mountain based, full of beautiful flowers, free range animals of all sorts and most importantly free land for the dogs to run and get their exercise. This was no challenger to Cesar as he stated “ The biggest challenge? I haven’t seen it as a challenge, honestly. It’s a goal. It’s my goal in life. And now Better Human Better Dog, is my mission in life. So once you know what your goal is, you don’t really feel challenged.“

Cesar Millán is now working on Season 2 of ‘ Better Human Better Dog’ so if you haven’t watch season 1 and don’t forget to support his dreams.