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a Disney film on the “Rise”?

Brandon Baugham - *** OPINION ***

Disney’s Newest Film Rise is set to premiere in Disney Plus This June

LOS ANGELES, CA -(RYM)- If the previews are any indication of the stellar career of arguably the best player in the NBA, then boy we are in for a treat. Centralled Around Lagos Nigeria before eventually taking us across the globe to Milwaukee Wisconsin Disney’s new Film “Rise” has the opportunity to send shockwaves reverberating larger than a category 5 earthquake, or a classic Antetokounmpo dunk!

There is a great wonderment that cinematography can articulate the complexion and the excellence that is the Antetokounmpo’s on and off the court. Their story is as humble as the words of the 2019 Kia Nba MVP’s speech displaying poise, charisma, and finesse while also attacking the head on obstacles that many overlook or are unaware about.

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Immigration, Deportation, Racism, and Poverty are key elements that many across the world have to deal with. The Antetokounmpo’s are no different and it's exciting to see the amount of dedication, loyalty, and resiliency put in to achieve their goals. In doing so we must not lose sight of the harsh realities that still impact the 193 countries in society. 

This film should serve as a reminder that we have a civic duty to help both those around us and those divided by sea. My hope is that Nigerian film director Akin Omotoso, and Walt Disney Pictures justifiably use these historical trio of brothers as the iconic figures they deserve to be. To be great at the game of basketball is miniscule if the bigger impact is to be great at the game of change.

Rise is to be released June 24th on Disney Plus.